How color can help you sell your home

Consider the emotional and psychological impact of colors in decor.

When you're selling a home, it's important to consider even the tiniest details to make your property as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Oftentimes, a fresh coat of paint can do wonders for a house's overall look, allowing you to maximize your selling price. Typically, it's best to use relatively neutral, universally appealing shades. Obviously, painting your home's exterior in vibrant lilac could alienate some buyers! However, another factor to consider is the psychological effect that certain hues may have on viewers. Here is a quick breakdown of a few popular decorating shades from HGTV's blog:

  • Blue: Often thought of as the most peaceful, tranquil and serene color, blue is a great choice for bedrooms and bathrooms, where you want shoppers to imagine themselves relaxing. 
  • Green: Green often has a strong association with nature, so it may help to generate a sense of cool tranquility. 
  • Red: Tread carefully, as red is a very powerful hue that can be overwhelming. However, tasteful pops of this energetic color can really make a house stand out. Color psychology experts also say that deep shades of red evoke warmth, creating a cozy atmosphere.
  • Yellow: Yellow is often perceived as happy, welcoming and energizing — great emotions to trigger in potential home buyers! Be wary of using this friendly color in the bedroom, however. It may not be adequately restful for the place where you sleep. 

Are you preparing to put your home on the Sacramento housing market? If so, contact me, top real estate agent Jon Hesse. With 10 years of experience and more than $100 million in completed transactions in Placer, El Dorado and Sacramento Counties, I have the experience necessary to help you get the price you deserve! If you are also looking for a new place to call home, I can assist you in finding the property of your dreams. Call today!